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Monogram Etiquette

3 Letter Monogram

Three letter monograms may be used for an individual or a couple.  

K = First name for an individual or the wife's name for a couple. (Ladies are always first.) 

P = Middle name for a single female, maiden name for a married female, or husband's name for a couple.

O = Surname in all three examples.

2 Letter Monogram

Two letter monograms may be used for an individual or a couple.  First and last name for an individual or two first names or last names for a couple.  In this example, the letters are overlaid and entwined, making it hard to tell which is the first letter, but if side by side letters, ladies are always first.

1 Letter Monogram

A single letter initial may be used to represent a first or last name.  Personal items tend to use first name initials, while home items use a last name initial more often.